RXTXを使ってRaspberry PiとXbeeでシリアル通信(Communicate with Xbee using RXTX on Raspberry Pi)

(I’m planning to develop the xbeed which is similar to gpsd for convenient communication with xbee. The concept is like below.)


とりあえず、javaでシリアル通信をする必要があるのですが、これはRXTXというライブラリを使って実装できそうです。すでにRaspberry Pi用に用意されており、下記コマンドでインストールできます。
(To use serial communication in Java, there is RXTX library. This library is prepared for Raspberry Pi and you can install using below command.)

> apt-get install librxtx-java

(You need some options to execute Java which use RXTX library.)

> java -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/jni -classpath "/usr/share/java/RXTXcomm.jar"

(The error happens when I tried to connect to /tty/AMA0 and I couldn’t connect. However, when I tried to connect to /tty/USB0 which is mounted to xbee, I could connect correctly.)

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